Disneyland (Диснейлэнд) — это 2 парка: Disneyland Park и Walt Disney Studios Park.
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Disneyland — парк для детей
План презентации по слайдам:
- Титульный лист
- Вступление. Общее описание парка Диснейлэнд в Париже
- Disneyland Park в Диснейлэнде
- Main Street USA
- Adventureland
- Frontierland
- Tomorrowland
- Fantasyland
- Заключение
Disneyland Paris is located in France, near Paris. This park was built in 1992. About 12.5 millions people visit this place every year. It is very popular among children. There are two theme parks on the territory of Disneyland – Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park.
Disneyland Park
Disneyland Park is a theme park, it is the main part of Disneyland. That’s what I will tell you about.
This park includes 5 parts: Main Street USA, Adventureland, Frontierland, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland.
Main Street USA
As you come through the main entrance to the park, you get to the square. It’s small, but it’s still main. It begins with the alley called Main Street USA, and it is made in the form of the main street of any American town in the Wild West. The main alley leads out to centerline square where there’re many roads. Every road lead you to some part of this park.
In Adventureland you will find a bold expedition into excitement and intrigue! Travel to this incredible world, where natural wonders, wildlife and untold danger surround you. Enter the lost temple and explore dark jungles!
Sail on the Jungle Cruise and then find The Temple of the Forbidden Eye on the Indiana Jones Adventure. Climb into Tarzan’s Treehouse and discover a bird’s eye view of the surrounding wilderness.
This land glorifies the pathfinders and other heroes of the Old West. Become a traveler!
Here in Tomorrowland, the future gets reality! But Tomorrowland is not only an enchanting collection of many things – it’s a spaceport where your imagination lands to see otherworldly wonders, sail on fantastic ships, and find out all possibilities of the human brain.
Fantasyland is where you can meet the heroes of your favorite Disney stories. Best of all, you can meet the princesses of Disney films! Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella — why don’t you meet them? Feel the enchantment that surrounds you!
Many children visit Disneyland, because there’re many attractions and entertaining places. But some adults visit it too. Disneyland is a really popular place to relax.